What we do

Mandatory and complex

The Swiss insurance system can be particularly complicated for new employees from abroad. Technical terms, legal requirements and the small print often make it difficult to get started.

Free internal service

Insurance Services Novartis informs employees about the existing insurance options and the special conditions offered by SWICA & AXA.

Contact us

For more information or to make an appointment, please feel free to contact us by email or arrange a virtual appointment via MS Teams or a personal appointment on site

Flexibility in design

SWICA health insurance options are flexibly designed so that you can tailor your plan to your specific needs. Choose from:

  • Various basic insurance models (standard or alternative)
  • Deductibles to reduce premiums
  • Supplementary health insurance (general, semi-private or private)

SWICA offers outpatient insurance options including dental services for children up to the age of 25 with orthodontic treatment of up to CHF 10,000 per year

Exclusive benefits for Novartis employees

  • 25% discount on semi-private, private and worldwide hospital insurance (Hospita Private Worldwide, Semi-private or Flex).
  • 10% discount on general ward throughout Switzerland and worldwide outpatient package (Optima)
  • Benevita health bonus program: up to 15% additional discount
  • No health check required for the standard package

Reimbursement for glasses, contact lenses and dental care

SWICA's supplementary insurance plans offer annual reimbursements for:

  • Glasses and contact lenses: CHF 300–1,000
  • Dental care: CHF 100–2,000
  • Orthodontic treatment for children up to 25 years of age: Up to CHF 10,000

Reimbursements for well-being, exercise and nutrition

SWICA's supplementary outpatient insurance includes:

  • Wellness services (e.g. massages, thermal baths)
  • Exercise (e.g. gym membership)
  • Nutrition programs for sustainable weight loss

Depending on the product chosen, contributions of 50% and 90% of the costs of activities such as dance classes or fitness centers (with or without sauna/bath) between CHF 300 and 1,300 per year are supported. These services promote your health and well-being.

Worldwide protection

Wherever you are, SWICA's supplementary insurance offers worldwide protection for emergency treatment, both inpatient and outpatient. Planned treatment abroad can also be included to ensure worldwide protection and peace of mind when traveling or living abroad.

Comprehensive medical care

SWICA's Silver, Gold and Platinum packages focus on covering essential medical costs, such as outpatient and inpatient treatment, to avoid the financial burden of high medical expenses.

Premiums paid by the employer

Novartis covers the premiums for:

  • Daily sickness benefits to ensure continued salary payments during recovery (see continued salary payment policy)
  • Compulsory accident insurance (occupational and non-occupational accidents)

We recommend additional coverage through SWICA's supplementary accident insurance (Infortuna) for improved benefits related to accident treatment.

Pension fund and retirement planning

Pension fund contributions

Depending on your total income (ABS and STI), you are entitled to above-average benefits, with contributions split 2:1 between the employer and employee. These include:

  • Lifelong retirement pensions
  • Disability pensions
  • Pensions for spouses/life partners
  • Child pensions
  • Lump-sum death benefit
  • Retirement capital and other risk benefits

Further information can be found on the pension fund website.

Retirement Planning Assistance

To help you prepare for retirement, Novartis offers a two-day retirement planning seminar to associates who have reached the age of 58.

Other insurance  

We also provide information about the existing insurance offers and special conditions at AXA:

  • Personal liability
  • Home contents
  • Car insurance
  • Legal expenses
  • Term life insurance